
Turning Potential Into Results

How to drink the future from a fire hose: Don’t defend. Open wide.

By Camille Smith / August 16, 2010

I admit it. I am a “people-r-great” geek.  Most everything I read, hear and watch filters through my coaching lens: How can this help someone be a strong, creative leader in uncertain times?  How will this have someone see she has a choice and that there’s an alternative to feeling victimized?  How can this shed…

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Get Good at Change: Things To Do (and un-do)

By Camille Smith / July 14, 2010

Regardless of what business you are in, in today’s economic whirlwind, if you aren’t good at change and adapting, you are probably having a tougher time than those people who are. It’s time to get good at change. Here are some beginning steps: 1.    Make a declaration. Say what you are committed to accomplishing. Don’t…

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Onboarding that helps New & Old employees!

By Camille Smith / July 2, 2010

The interview process is complete. Expectations established and promises made by both parties. The contact signed. Next step: Welcome, Aboard! Onboarding is a process to acclimate a new employee into an organization so that the value they were hired to add to the company is successfully realized as rapidly and cost-effectively as possible. The traditional…

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Onboarding that helps New & Old employees!

By Camille Smith / July 2, 2010

The interview process is complete. Expectations established and promises made by both parties. The contact signed. Next step: Welcome, Aboard! Onboarding is a process to acclimate a new employee into an organization so that the value they were hired to add to the company is successfully realized as rapidly and cost-effectively as possible. The traditional…

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Personal Responsibility: Is there any other kind?

By Camille Smith / June 21, 2010

Sometimes we wish there was. Sometimes we behave as if there is.  The bad news: There isn’t any other kind of effective responsibility other than the personal kind. The good news: It’s your’s, not for the asking, but for the choosing. Let’s start at the macro level. Even in the situations in which we feel…

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“Go ahead! Do it your way!”

By Camille Smith / June 10, 2010

When anyone said this to me when I was kid, I also heard what they didn’t say out loud, but clearly was part of their message: “… and see if I care if you do it wrong and fail and waste your time and look goofy, and, and….” Whew, thank goodness, those days are over,…

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Is not saying something a lie?

By Camille Smith / June 9, 2010

What do you say? Yes? No? It depends? This statement screamed from an ad in the September issue of Fast Company ( I ripped it out (love ripping and tearing) and marked it with a “B” (code for a blog topic). (The pages of my books are peppered with these breadcrumbs as I follow my…

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What is an Organization?

By Camille Smith / May 24, 2010

Remove people from headquarters and what do you have? Cubicles, no culture. We don’t mistake a vacant office for an organization, but we often misidentify what constitutes an organization and this thing called “culture”.  If we want to change our organization, it helps to know where it lives. Flashback: When Christopher Columbus and his crew…

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Eggshells & Jell-O: The Un-breakfast of Champions

By Camille Smith / May 10, 2010

Leadership isn’t timid-ship. If you are walking on eggshells with someone, afraid to raise an issue, give it up. If you’re hoping that she (let’s call her Sally) gets your wobbly-as-jello hints and changes her behavior, give it up. If you don’t (and you do have free will), you are giving up your ship, your…

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Eggshells & Jell-O: The Un-breakfast of Champions

By Camille Smith / May 10, 2010

Leadership isn’t timid-ship. If you are walking on eggshells with someone, afraid to raise an issue, give it up. If you’re hoping that she (let’s call her Sally) gets your wobbly-as-jello hints and changes her behavior, give it up. If you don’t (and you do have free will), you are giving up your ship, your…

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